5 Tips for a Better Morning

unsplash-logoDanielle MacInnes

Think of your day like building a house.

In the morning time, you lay the foundation. As the day goes along, you build upon it. Naturally, if the foundation isn't well-set, even if you use the best bricks and mortar, the rest of the house is going to be shaky. It goes to show that focusing on enhancing your morning can work wonders to set the tone for the rest of the day.

Here are some tips to get the best out of your morning:

1. Go to bed relaxed
unsplash-logoEli DeFaria
study by Dr. Damon Ashworth showed that relaxing before bed makes for better quality sleep and less sleep interruptions. Naturally, the better you sleep, the better you will wake up feeling. To relax before bed, avoid working until bedtime. Allow yourself some time to wind down before going to bed. Put away your devices, avoid caffeine, practice deep breathing exercises and let go of any burdensome thoughts that might have arisen during the day. If you do happen to wake up during the night, don't check the time. Allow yourself to fall back asleep naturally.

2. Don't sleep in
Getting enough sleep (about 7-9 hours for most adults) is important, but it's better to go to bed early and wake up early than to sleep in. Apart from having more time to comfortably prepare for the day ahead, studies have shown that early morning (around 6AM to 9AM) sunlight can provide vitamin D in amounts that food often does not provide, increases melatonin production which can improve sleep quality, and increases seratonin levels which can act as a mood enhancer.

3. Meditate
Meditation has been proven to aid relaxation, sharpen the mind and promote all-round stress-relief. Meditating on a morning can go a long way and significantly enhance your day. After waking up, try sitting on the floor, on a chair or at the edge of your bed, closing your eyes and focusing on a particular thought or sound. Breathe deeply and evenly, and if your mind wanders, gently dismiss those thoughts. Find your natural rhythm of breath, relax and settle into a feeling of positivity. You might be surprised by how quickly you'll be able to notice the benefits of doing this for even 2 minutes daily.

4. Get hydrated
unsplash-logoClint McKoy

This one is simple: drink 2 glasses of water right after waking up. This simple routine can make a huge difference in how you feel throughout the day. It boosts your metabolism, detoxifies your body and hydrates your body, improving energy levels.

5. Exercise
I know this isn't what anyone wants to hear, but it truly does make a huge difference, especially for those trying to lose weight; studies show that morning exercise helps the body to burn fat more efficiently, and helps you feel more energized throughout the day. And this doesn't have to be a task. A simple 10-minute workout can give you quite the boost, or if you can, a quick walk can make a difference too.

If you can manage to put these tips into practice daily, you'll begin to see how they all work together to promote healthy and happy days. The benefits are astounding, with your strong foundation now able to withstand any weight that the day may bring.

unsplash-logoJennifer Birdie Shawker

Stay peaceful,


  1. Gonna try some of these tips!

  2. Great job hannah, you have found your calling.

  3. From number one, I failed lol

  4. Think i nailded quiet a few of these

  5. Legit...exercise is a game changer. Feel like a boss in the morning once you hydrate properly as well.

  6. I will try the five tips for a better morning from May 15, please God....thanks for the inspiration

  7. I meditate every morning! Great way to clear my mind and get started on a positive note for the day.


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